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Marko Medenjak: Dissipative Bethe Ansatz: Exact Solutions of Quantum Many-Body Dynamics Under Loss

Datum objave: 25. 5. 2020
Seminar za matematično fiziko
Thursday 28.5.2020, at 14:00h, via Zoom. Details and meeting ID available on the seminar homepage

Marko Medenjak (Institut de Physique Theorique Philippe Meyer, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris)


I will discuss how to use Bethe Ansatz techniques for studying the properties of certain systems experiencing loss. First of all, I will describe the general approach to obtain the Liouvillian spectrum of a wide range of experimentally relevant models. This includes any integrable model with particle number conservation experiencing the single particle bulk loss throughout the system. Following the general discussion, I will address different aspects of the XXZ spin chain driven at the single boundary. In particular, I will consider the scaling of Liouvillian gap, the dynamical dissipative phase transition, and the physics of the boundary bound states. The existence of infinitely many boundary bound states translates into the formation of a stable domain wall in the easy-axis regime despite the presence of loss.

[1] B. Buca, C. Booker, M. Medenjak, D. Jaksch, arXiv:2004.05955


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Meeting ID: 925 5819 1511
Password: 669133