Iztok Banič: Inverse limits, inverse limit hulls and crossovers, Ana Anušić: On the Core Ingram Conjecture
Datum objave: 13. 5. 2015
Mednarodni topološki seminar Ljubljana-Maribor-Zagreb
Sobota 23.5. 2015, ob 10. uri, soba 2.02, Jadranska 21
Topološki seminar Ljubljana-Maribor-Zagreb se bo sestal v soboto, 23.5.2015 v Ljubljani.
Predavala bosta:
Iztok Banič: Inverse limits, inverse limit hulls and crossovers
(Joint work with Matevž Črepnjak, Matej Merhar and Uroš Milutinović) Povzetek: We give several characterizations of subspaces of products of countably many compact metric spaces that are inverse limits of inverse sequences. These characterizations are obtained both for inverse sequences with continuous single-valued bonding functions and for inverse sequences with upper semicontinuous set-valued bonding functions. The proofs are based on use of crossovers and inverse limit hulls.
Ana Anušić: On the Core Ingram Conjecture