Karin Baur: Cluster algebra structure of Grassmannians and related cluster categories
Datum objave: 26. 5. 2016
Seminar za algebro in funkcionalno analizo
Torek, 31. 5. 2016, ob 13:15 v predavalnici 3.07, FMF, Jadranska 21, Ljubljana
Cluster algebra structure of Grassmannians and related cluster categories
Karin Baur, KFU Graz
We first describe the cluster algebra structure of the coordinate ring of the Grassmannian Gr(k,n) arising from triangulations (Fomin-Zelevinsky) and from Postnikov diagrams (Scott). We then discuss related work with King and Marsh on module categories to present the cluster category side of this picture in terms of dimer models with boundary.
Predavanje bo izjemoma v torek, 31. 5. 2016 ob 13:15 v predavalnici 3.07.
V četrtek, 2. 6., seminar odpade.