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Pietro Carretta: Unveiling strong electronic correlations in iron-based superconductors

Datum objave: 14. 2. 2018
Ponedeljkov fizikalni kolokvij
Ponedeljek, 19. 2. 2018 ob 16.15 v predavalnici F1, UL FMF, Jadranska 19, Ljubljana

Unveiling strong electronic correlations in iron-based superconductors

Pietro Carretta

Department of Physics, University of Pavia, I-27100 Pavia, Italy


Iron-based superconductors (IBS) are materials where the electronic correlations are much weaker than in the cuprates high Tc superconductors and band structure calculations (DFT/LDA) are able to provide a satisfactory description of some of their basic features, as the onset of antiferromagnetism driven by the Fermi surface nesting. Nevertheless, even at the optimal electron doping level leading to the maximum Tc, electronic correlations still play a significant role. Here I will show how the strength of the electronic correlations can be unveiled either by perturbing the system with impurities or by driving the system towards half band filling, by hole doping the antiferromegnetic precursors. These studies, exploiting the potential of local probes as nuclei and muons,  have allowed  to evidence that IBS are close to a quantum critical point, to establish a connection between the nematic and the antiferromagnetic orders and to evidence the peculiar orbital selective physics emerging in the hole doped IBS.

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