Primož Ziherl: Tension-based model of epithelial tissues
Tension-based model of epithelial tissues
Primož Ziherl
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana
Jožef Stefan Institute
Many layered biological tissues are characterized by strikingly regular patterns and formations, which may be interpreted using mechanistic theories. We review selected results obtained using a tension-based vertex model implemented in both 2D and 3D. We present a theory of the shape of epithelial folds typical, e.g., for the gastrointestinal tract of certain simple animals, and an analysis of the formation of ventral furrow in the Drosophila embryo. Also discussed is the structure of a fluidized single-cell-thick epithelium and its viscoelastic response. Finally, we turn to the shape of organoids viewed as closed epithelial shells.
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