Kirone Mallick: Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process, a paradigm for non-equilibrium physics
Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process, a paradigm for non-equilibrium physics
Kirone Mallick
Institute de Physique Theorique, CEA, Saclay
The asymmetric simple exclusion process plays the role of a paradigm to study various aspects of non-equilibrium statistical physics. It is a minimal model of driven interacting particles, that displays interesting collective behaviour and breaks time-reversal symmetry. This system appears as a building block in more realistic descriptions of low-dimensional classical transport with constraints such as biophysical flow or urban traffic.
During the last twenty years, numerous exact solutions have been obtained for the exclusion process and have lead us to a better understanding of non-equilibrium behaviour. The aim of this talk is to review some representative results about this model, describe the methods involved and present some recent developments.