Dr. M. Gomilšek (IJS): Quantum motion of muons
Dr. M. Gomilšek (IJS)
Quantum motion of muons
Povzetek / Abstract:
Once considered exotic, implanted muons are nowadays routinely used as exquisite and unique probes of magnetic materials at the atomic scale. As such they have contributed to some of the most visible results e.g. in the field of quantum magnetism [1]. However, for unambiguous interpretation of experimental results a thorough understanding of the quantum motion of muons inside materials is essential, including: muon delocalization, entanglement, tunneling, and even muon Bloch waves. I will demonstrate that these effects can be well described by combining two far-reaching reformulations of quantum mechanics: ab initio density functional theory (DFT) and path-integral molecular dynamics (PIMD), and confirm these predictions by experiment.
[1] M. Gomilšek et al., Nat. Phys. 15, 754 (2019).
Predavanje bo v angleščini / Lecture will be held in English
Predavanje bo potekalo preko spleta / Lecture will be held online: