Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Primož Šparl: On Cayley graphs of generalized dihedral groups

Datum objave: 21. 12. 2020
Seminar za diskretno matematiko
Torek, 22. 12. 2020, ob 19:00, na daljavo
Seminarja iz diskretne matematike v torek, 22. decembra ne bo, so pa vsi udeleženci vabljeni na predavanje Primoža Šparla v okviru mednarodnega seminarja iz algebraične teorije grafov.

The organizers of the Algebraic Graph Theory International Webinar would like to invite you to join them and other colleagues on December 22, 2020, at 7pm Central European Time, for the next presentation delivered by Primož Šparl.

He will speak on On Cayley graphs of generalized dihedral groups.

Join Zoom Meeting at
Meeting ID: 925 4558 6220
Passcode: 117532

Further details may be found at
where you can also find the slides and the recordings of the previous presentations