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Sergey Popov: Neutron star magnetic field evolution

Date of publication: 25. 10. 2023
14:00 - 16:00
Kuščerjev seminar
V petek, 27. oktobra, ob 14. uri bo Sergey Popov (ICTP) imel predavanje o razvoju magnetnega polja nevtronskih zvezd. Predavanje gosti Skupina za neravnovesno kvantno in statistično fiziko. Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku. Vabljeni!

Neutron star magnetic field evolution

Sergey Popov (ICTP and Sternberg Astronomical Institute of MSU)

In the talk, I briefly discuss the present-day view of the magnetic field evolution of neutron stars and its main observational appearance. Then, I focus on the possibility of finding magnetars in binary systems of a different kind. Possible candidates include accreting neutron stars (in particular, ultra-luminous X-ray sources), gamma-ray sources, and fast radio bursts. I present a scenario in which the existence of a highly magnetized neutron star in a high-mass X-ray binary is possible at an age ~few million years.