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Data management basics: Introduction to data management and sharing

Date of publication: 19. 10. 2021
Research-related information
11:00 - 12:30

Data management is essential to make sure that well-organised, well-documented, high quality and shareable research data result from our research projects. The introductory workshops on Data Management Basics are intended for researchers and anyone who wants to learn about research data management. This workshop is part of a series of two workshops focusing on the basics of data management. This first workshop provides an overview of how to manage, document, store and safeguard research data well and how to plan and implement good data management in research projects, with a focus on optimising data sharing. The second workshop will focus on the ethical and legal aspects of data management.

In this free session we will discuss key essential processes: writing a data management plan for research grants; documenting your data appropriately and effectively; formatting and organising your data; and storing your data, including data transfer, encryption, and file sharing.

This 90 minute workshop will consist of a 45 minute presentation, followed by a 30 minute practical element and finishing with 15 minutes for questions and discussion.

Presenter: Anca Vlad

Level: Introductory Experience/knowledge required: Basic methods of qualitative or quantitative data research Target audience: Researchers/anyone interested in data management

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This event is part of our UK Data Service introductory training series: Autumn 2021.