Completed course Introduction to programming.
Topics in data analysis
Multivariate methods for analysis of multdimensional data: principal components, multidimensional scaling, clustering.
Modern approaches to data visualization: e.g. ggplot2, Many Eyes, D3.js
Basics of analysis of temporal and spatial data. Time series analysis: basic properties, smoothing, ARIMA.
Basic network analysis: basic properties, network visualization, distribution of vertex degrees, scale-free networks, imporant parts of networks.
Big data: symbolic data analysis, parallel and distributed computation (Hadoop).
The topics will be mostly presented in a 'black box' manner - it will be described WHAT can be achieved using particular methods subject to WHICH conditions, but it will not be explained in detail HOW the methods work. For students interested in details and background of methods, references will be given.
B. Everitt, T. Hothorn: An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis with R. Springer, 2011.
W.N. Venables, B.D. Ripley: Modern Applied Statistics with S (fourth edition). Springer, 2002.
L. Wilkinson. The Grammar of Graphics (second edition). Springer, 2005.
H. Wickham: ggplot2 - Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer, 2009.
R.H. Shumway, D.S. Stoffer: Time Series Analysis and Its Applications With R Examples (third edition). Springer, 2011.
R.S. Bivand, E.J. Pebesma, V. Gómez-Rubio: Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R. Springer, 2008.
W. de Nooy, A. Mrvar, V. Batagelj: Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek, (revised and expanded second edition). Cambridge University Press, 2012.
E. Diday, M. Noirhomme-Fraiture (eds.): Symbolic Data Analysis and the SODAS Software. Wiley, 2008.
Q.E. McCallum, S. Weston: Parallel R. O’Reilly, 2012.
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Through a practical work on various selected data sets students learn basics on data analysis and data visualization. They experience basic use of a relatively wide range of different analytic and visualization methods, but without in-depth understanding of the methods.
Knowledge and understanding: Student familiarises him/herself with various types of data sets and wide range of basic approaches and methods for their data analysis and visualization. He also upgrades data-analytic and in part also programming skills.
Application: Carrying out basic data analysis on various types of data sets. Building of analytic methods. Preparation of charts and graphical presentations of data.
Reflection: The importance of modern information technology to analyze large amounts of data, the importance of data visualization.
Transferable skills: Working with a computer, data-analytic and algorithmic way of thinking.
Lectures, exercises, homework, consultations
Final project
grading: 5 (fail), 6-10 (pass) (according to the Statute of UL)
Alen Orbanić:
ORBANIĆ, Alen. Tools for networks. V: ALHAJJ, Reda (ur.), ROKNE, Jon (ur.). Encyclopedia of social network analysis and mining. New York: Springer, cop. 2014, str. 2166-2175, ilustr. [COBISS-SI-ID 17145433]
ŠIROK, Brane, BIZJAN, Benjamin, ORBANIĆ, Alen, BAJCAR, Tom. Mineral wool melt fiberization on a spinner wheel. Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. Part A, Chemical engineering research and design, ISSN 0263-8762, 2014, vol. 92, issue 1, str. 80-90, ilustr. [COBISS-SI-ID 13057819]
BIZJAN, Benjamin, ORBANIĆ, Alen, ŠIROK, Brane, KOVAČ, Boštjan, BAJCAR, Tom, KAVKLER, Iztok. A computer-aided visualization method for flow analysis. Flow measurement and instrumentation, ISSN 0955-5986. [Print ed.], Aug. 2014, vol. 38, str. 1-8, ilustr. [COBISS-SI-ID 13484571]
Alex Simpson:
Alex Simpson:
EGGER, Jeff, MØGELBERG, Rasmus Ejlers, SIMPSON, Alex. The enriched effect calculus: syntax and semantics. Journal of logic and computation, ISSN 0955-792X, 2014, vol. 24, iss. 3, str. 615-654. [COBISS-SI-ID 17090137]
EGGER, Jeff, MØGELBERG, Rasmus Ejlers, SIMPSON, Alex. Linear-use CPS translations in the enriched effect calculus. Logical methods in computer science, ISSN 1860-5974, 2012, vol. 8, iss. 4, paper 2 (str. 1-27). [COBISS-SI-ID 17090905]