Miran Černe:
– ČERNE, Miran, FLORES, Manuel. Boundary value problems for holomorphic functions on the upper half-plane. The Asian journal of mathematics, ISSN 1093-6106, 2007, vol. 11, no. 4, str. 609-620 [COBISS-SI-ID 14762073]
– ČERNE, Miran, FLORES, Manuel. Some remarks on Hartogs' extension lemma. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0002-9939, 2010, vol. 138, no. 10, str. 3603-3609 [COBISS-SI-ID 15696473]
– ČERNE, Miran, ZAJEC, Matej. Boundary differential relations for holomorphic functions on the disc. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0002-9939, 2011, vol. 139, no. 2, str. 473-484 [COBISS-SI-ID 15710553]
– ČERNE, Miran. Matematika 2, (Matematični rokopisi, 24). Ljubljana: Društvo matematikov, fizikov in astronomov Slovenije: DMFA - založništvo, 1999. 127 str., ilustr. ISBN 961-212-096-X [COBISS-SI-ID 103971072]
Oliver Dragičević:
– DRAGIČEVIĆ, Oliver. Weighted estimates for powers of the Ahlfors-Beurling operator. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0002-9939, 2011, vol. 139, no. 6, str. 2113-2120 [COBISS-SI-ID 15876697]
– DRAGIČEVIĆ, Oliver. Some remarks on the L [sup] p estimates for powers of the Ahlfors-Beurling operator. Archiv der Mathematik, ISSN 0003-889X, 2011, vol. 96, no. 5, str. 463-471 [COBISS-SI-ID 16090713]
– DRAGIČEVIĆ, Oliver, VOLBERG, Alexander. Linear dimension-free estimates in the embedding theorem for Schrödinger operators. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, ISSN 0024-6107, 2012, vol. 85, p. 1, str. 191-222 [COBISS-SI-ID 16214873]
Sašo Strle:
– STRLE, Sašo. Bounds on genus and geometric intersections from cylindrical end moduli spaces. Journal of differential geometry, ISSN 0022-040X, 2003, vol. 65, no. 3, str. 469-511. [COBISS-SI-ID 13135193]
– GRIGSBY, J. Elisenda, RUBERMAN, Daniel, STRLE, Sašo. Knot concordance and Heegaard Floer homology invariants in branched covers. Geometry & topology, ISSN 1364-0380, 2008, vol. 12, iss. 4, str. 2249-2275 [COBISS-SI-ID 14892121]
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