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Physics, First Cycle - Educational Physics



P = lecture and seminar hours per week
V = theoretical and laboratory exercise hours per week
ECTS = credit points

1. year
1. sem. 2. sem.
Course ECTS P/V P/V
Astronomical observations 3 0/0 2/2
Physics laboratory 1 4 0.27/3.73 0/0
Physics laboratory 2 4 0/0 0/4
Optional course 3 0/0 0/0
Chemistry 3 4/0 0/0
Clasical Physics 20 4/3 6/5
Mathematics 1 10 6/4 0/0
Mathematics 2 7 0/0 4/2
Proseminar A/B 3 2/0 0/0
Computer laboratory 3 0/4 0/0
1. sem. 2. sem.
Course ECTS P/V P/V
Additional lecture course 3 0/0 0/0
How things work 3 0/0 2/1
Chemistry 3 0/0 1/3
Project laboratory 1 3 0/0 0/2.13
Computational Tools in Physics 3 0/0 0/0
Technical design 3 0/0 0/0
2. year
3. year