Enrolment in study program.
Completed physics exam in the first year of study.
Project laboratory II
Solving a practical open ended problem. Work on the project requires knowledge of physics covered in the first year of study. Work involves design and construction of experiments, analyzing the results and preparing a final report in the form of webpage. All the work is performed in groups of 5 students.
Physics Education (http://www.iop.org/EJ/S/0/30619/journal/0031-9120).
European Journal of Physics (http://www.iop.org/EJ/search/0143-0807/1).
American Journal of Physics (http://scitation.aip.org/ajp/).
The Physics Teacher (http://scitation.aip.org/tpt/).
Dodatna priporočena literatura (osnovni napotki za izvajanje računalniških meritev)
PLANINŠIČ, Gorazd. Didaktika fizike : aktivno učenje ob poskusih. 1, Mehanika in termodinamika, (Matematika - fizika, 47). 1. ponatis. Ljubljana: DMFA - založništvo, 2011. 216 str.
MOHORIČ, Aleš, Uvod v meritve, gradivo je prosto dostopno na: www.fmf.uni-lj.si/~mohoric/skripta/praktikum/o_meritvah.pdf
Solving an open ended project in a team of students. Writing a report of the completed project in a form of a webpage.
Ability to plan and design complex experimental setup with the goal to solve a practical problem.
Ability to use advanced and basic measuring devices, perform computer controlled measurements and analyze the results.
Ability to use time and resources rationally.
Ability to present and communicate the results of practical group work.
Knowledge and understanding:
Knowledge about operation and use of basic and complex experimental equipment, measuring devices and tools.
Application: Application of acquired knowledge of physics in real practical situations.
Critical evaluation of group work result and roles of individuals within the group.
Transferable skills:
Ability to work in team, ability to communicate with co-workers, ability to find data needed to solve practical task.
Project work, learning by inquiry, research work.
Criteria for successfully completing the course: full presence during the groups meetings, on-time submission of web report, co-authoring the web report.
Grades: passed – not passed
- PLANINŠIČ, Gorazd. IYPT problems as an efficient source of ideas for first-year
project laboratory tasks. Eur. j. phys., 2010, vol. 30, no. 6, str. S133-S140, - PONIKVAR, Dušan, PLANINŠIČ, Gorazd. Conservation of mechanical and electric
energy : simple experimental verification. Eur. j. phys., 2009, vol. 30, no. 1, str.
47-56, - MOHORIČ, Aleš, Uvod v meritve, gradivo je prosto dostopno na: www.fmf.unilj.