Enrolment in year 3 and attended 2nd year course Introduction to physics of the atmosphere, or equivalent.
Practicum of meteorological observations and instruments
One week of weather observation along with classical measurements of meteorological variables. The observations and measurements are recorded into the journal of meteorological station and journal of climatological observations. Comparison of measurements with measurements performed at Slovenian Environment Agency and automatic weather station at FMF.
Tutorials on classical meteorological instruments: time constant of mercury thermometer, improvised pyranometer.
Field work using a mobile automatic weather station. Measurements of solar irradiance, wind, precipitation, pressure, temperature and humidity. Comparison of measurements with the closest station run by Slovenian Environment Agency.
Ker je predmet močno povezan s predmetom Meteorološka opazovanja in inštrumenti, je tudi za ta predmet uporabna vsa tam navedena literatura, poleg tega pa še:
Agencija RS za okolje: Navodila za delo na glavni meteorološki postaji. Ljubljana, ARSO, 200?
HOBO Weather Station User' Guide (Navodila za delo z avtomatsko meteorološko postajo MicroDAQ) Warner (NH), USA), MicroDAQ.com Ltd, 2005
Practical experience with using meteorological instruments and data analysis. Acquaintance with organization of measuring campaigns and with representation of the results.
Knowledge and understanding:
Practice of measuring and observations in meteorology.
The acquired knowledge serves for proper planning of measurements and for critical comprehending of quality of the measurements.
Transfer of theoretical knowledge, gained in a course Meteorol. observations and measurements to actual measurements performed in the field.
Transferable skills:
Presentation and analysis of time series of meteorological measurements. General principles of performing measurements in meteorology.
tutorials, field work
Measurements, proper results and proper data processing, written report on all measurements along with analysis
grades: 5 (fail), 6-10 (pass) (in agreement with the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana)
- SKOK, Gregor, BACMEISTER, Julio T., TRIBBIA, Joe. Analysis of tropical cyclone precipitation using an object-based algorithm. Journal of climate, ISSN 0894-8755, 2013, vol. 26, iss. 8, str. 2563-2579.
- ŽAGAR, Nedjeljka, HONZAK, Luka, ŽABKAR, Rahela, SKOK, Gregor, RAKOVEC, Jože, CEGLAR, Andrej. Uncertainties in a regional climate model in the midlatitudes due to the nesting technique and the domain size. Journal of geophysical research, Atmospheres, ISSN 21698996, 2013, vol. 118, iss. 12, str. 6189-6199
- SKOK, Gregor, TRIBBIA, Joe, RAKOVEC, Jože. Object-based analysis and verification of WRF model precipitation in the low- and Midlatitude Pacific Ocean. Monthly weather review, ISSN 0027-0644, 2010, vol. 138, no. 12, str. 4561-4575
- SKOK, Gregor, VRHOVEC, Tomaž. Considerations for interpolating rain gauge precipitation onto a regular grid. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, ISSN 0941-2948, 2006, 15, str. 545-557.
- VRHOVEC, Tomaž, RAKOVEC, Jože, GABERŠEK, Saša, SKOK, Gregor, ŽABKAR, Rahela, GREGORIC, Gregor. Relief shapes and percipitation on the south side of the Alps, Part 2. Heavy-rain cases during MAP and sensitivity to topography modifications. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, ISSN 0941-2948, 2004, 13, str. 201-208.