Enrolment in year 3, completed 2nd year course Introduction to physics of the atmosphere, or equivalent.
Computational tools in meteorology
Basic use of the Linux operating system and Latex. SQL databases. Use of different raster and vector figure formats. Use of Gimp and Inkspace software. Producing animations from a sequence of figures. Use of Imagemagick software.
Basic use of Matlab in reading/writing text, binary and netcdf files. Analysis of data and visualization of 2D fields.
Basic use of C programming language on a Linux system. Compiling using gnuc compiler.
Reading/writing text, binary and netcdf files. Analysis of datasets.
Basic use of Fortran programming language on a Linux system. Compiling using gnufortran compiler. Reading/writing text, binary and netcdf files. Analysis of datasets.
Unix Power Tools. Jerry Peek, Shelley Powers, Tim O'Reilly, Mike Loukides, O'Reilly Media.
Ne najkrajši uvod v Latex. Tobias Oetiker Hubert Partl, Irene Hyna in Elisabeth Schlegl (prevod Bor Plestenjak). http://www-lp.fmf.uni-lj.si/plestenjak/vaje/latex/lshort.pdf
The LaTeX Companion. Frank Mittelbach , Michel Goossens , Johannes Braams , David Carlisle , Chris Rowley , Addison-Wesley Professional.
Getting Started with MATLAB: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers Paperback. Rudra Pratap. Oxford University Press.
Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days. Bradley L. Jones , Peter Aitken. Sams Publishing.
Fortran 90/95 Explained. Michael Metcalf , John K. Reid. Oxford University Press, USA.
Ability to read, write, analyse and visualize meteorological data and model output fields using standard software tools.
Knowledge and understanding: Use of computer with analysis of meteorological datasets.
The acquired knowledge serves allows meteorologists to perform analysis of datasets using the standard software tools.
Use of different software tools for analysis for meteorological datasets.
Transferable skills:
Presentation and analysis of time series of meteorological data and model output.
tutorials, work at home
Finished tutorials, successfully completed written reports
grades: 5 (fail), 6-10 (pass) (in agreement with the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana)
- SKOK, Gregor, BACMEISTER, Julio T., TRIBBIA, Joe. Analysis of tropical cyclone precipitation using an object-based algorithm. Journal of climate, ISSN 0894-8755, 2013, vol. 26, iss. 8, str. 2563-2579.
- ŽAGAR, Nedjeljka, HONZAK, Luka, ŽABKAR, Rahela, SKOK, Gregor, RAKOVEC, Jože, CEGLAR, Andrej. Uncertainties in a regional climate model in the midlatitudes due to the nesting technique and the domain size. Journal of geophysical research, Atmospheres, ISSN 21698996, 2013, vol. 118, iss. 12, str. 6189-6199
- SKOK, Gregor, TRIBBIA, Joe, RAKOVEC, Jože. Object-based analysis and verification of WRF model precipitation in the low- and Midlatitude Pacific Ocean. Monthly weather review, ISSN 0027-0644, 2010, vol. 138, no. 12, str. 4561-4575
- SKOK, Gregor, VRHOVEC, Tomaž. Considerations for interpolating rain gauge precipitation onto a regular grid. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, ISSN 0941-2948, 2006, 15, str. 545-557.
- VRHOVEC, Tomaž, RAKOVEC, Jože, GABERŠEK, Saša, SKOK, Gregor, ŽABKAR, Rahela, GREGORIC, Gregor. Relief shapes and percipitation on the south side of the Alps, Part 2. Heavy-rain cases during MAP and sensitivity to topography modifications. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, ISSN 0941-2948, 2004, 13, str. 201-208.