Class enrollment.
Electronics I
Linear electronics:
passive and active components, signals,
operational amplifier: properties, circuits with operational amplifiers, circuit analysis, differential equations, characteristic response, convolution, operator notation,
transfer functions,
frequency analysis, Bode diagrams,
signal propagation on wires,
modulation and demodulation.
J. Pahor, Elektronika za fizike. DMFA - založništvo.
P. Horrowitz, W. Hill, The art of electronics. Cambridge University Press.
familiarization with building blocks of electronics, linear electronic circuits and analysis.
the use and analysis of linear electronic circuits,
modelling and solving of problems in physics,
the understanding of electronic blocks in measurement systems,
the design of electronic circuits.
Knowledge and understanding:
Familiarity with building blocks in linear electronics, analysis and evaluation of linear electronic circuits. Understanding of electronic circuit properties, and circuit optimization following the required properties.
The knowledge gained allows an understanding of operation for electronic circuits which are used in measurement of physical quantities and signals, and additionally their rational selection and use.
The course offers basic knowledge needed for the optimization and processing of electrical analog signals; such knowledge is essential for the treatment of analog signals from sensors of physical quantities.
Transferable skills:
Learning of construction principles and operation of electronic devices, and practical methods of processing for electric signals, related to all practicums.
Lecturing, tutorials, consultations.
Written exam
Oral examination
grading: 5 (fail), 6-10 (pass) (according to the Statute of UL)
PONIKVAR, Dušan. A simple subnanosecond light pulser. IEEE trans. nucl. sci., 2012, vol. 59, no. 6,
str. 3218-3220. [COBISS-SI-ID 2552420], -
ZAMPIERI, L., ČADEŽ, Andrej, PONIKVAR, Dušan. The Crab pulsar seen with AquEYE at
Asiago Cima Ekar observatory. Advances in Space Research. [Online ed.], 2011, let. 47, št. 2,
str. 365-369. [COBISS-SI-ID 362881], -
PONIKVAR, Dušan. Tools and setups for experiments with AC and rotating magnetic fields.
Eur. j. phys., 2010, vol. 31, no. 5, str. 1255-1266, doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/31/5/025.
[COBISS-SI-ID 2271076], -
PONIKVAR, Dušan, PLANINŠIČ, Gorazd. Conservation of mechanical and electric energy :
simple experimental verification. Eur. j. phys., 2009, vol. 30, no. 1, str. 47-56, doi:
10.1088/1043-0807/30/1/005. [COBISS-SI-ID 2153316], -
PONIKVAR, Dušan. Teaching and field work for IAEA : nuclear electronics and
instrumentation 1989-2007. V: IAEA Meeting on the Role and Utilization of the Regional
Resource Centres : 2nd-6th of June 2008, Vienna, Austria. Vienna: IAEA, 2008, 14 str.
[COBISS-SI-ID 2128740],