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Modelling in industrial physics

Techniques of Measurement in Physics, First Cycle
3 year
Course director:
Hours per week – 1. semester:

Completed courses Physics I, Physics II, Mathematics I, Mathematics II and Computer laboratory.

Content (Syllabus outline)

Students will obtain the basic skills in the field of simulations in fluid mechanics and structural mechanics through a set of practical exercises performed on the computers. Exercises are running with the preinstalled computer codes.

Exercises are related:

Use of CAD software. Student designs a CAD drawing of a selected complex geometry.
CAD geometry is transformed into a discrete mesh: meshing of empty spaces for the fluid mechanics or meshing of structures for structural mechanics.
Use of computer code for computational fluid dynamics on the mesh from the previous exercise. Simulation of incompressible flow.
Computational fluid dynamics: simulation of compressible flow.
Structural mechanics - use of computer code for structural analysis of the component from the first exercise.
Structural mechanics - simulations of large deformations.

  1. Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Joel H. Ferziger and Milovan Peric, Springer Verlag, 1999

  2. Applied Mechanics of Solids, Allan F. Bower, Taylor and Francis Group, 2010

  3. Navodila za uporabo računalniških programov za pripravo CAD slik, za mreženje, za simulacije v mehaniki tekočin in simulacije v mehaniki konstrukcij. Izbrani bodo odprtokodni računalniški programi.

Objectives and competences

Goals: to obtain the skills needed for application of computer codes in mechanics of continua.

Competences: Modelling and ability to solve problems, computer skills.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:

Getting familiar with the computer codes and understanding of the basic equations in the field of fluid mechanics and structural mechanics. Fundamentals of the discretisation techniques.


Solving basic equations of fluid and structural mechanics on discrete meshes with the existing software packages for simulation of concrete examples.


Along with basic modelling concepts the student is expected to critically asses the quality of the numerical solutions. These depend on the reliability of the mathematical model, mesh density and the accuracy of the numerical scheme.

Transferable skills:

Basic conservation equations of fluid mechanics and structural mechanics. Solving different types of ordinary and partial differential equations with existing computer codes.

Learning and teaching methods

Introduction to exercises, development of solutions, consultations. Most of the work is performed with computers.


Grading of exercises
grading: 5 (fail), 6-10 (pass) (according to the Statute of UL)

Lecturer's references

TISELJ, I, PETELIN, S. First and second order accurate schemes for two-fluid models. J. fluids eng., 1998, vol. 120 (2), str. 363-368.
TISELJ, I, ČERNE, G. Some comments on the behaviour of the RELAP5 numerical scheme at very small time steps. Nucl. sci. eng., 2000, 134, str. 306.
BERGANT R, TISELJ, I. Near-wall passive scalar transport at high Prandtl numbers. Phys. fluids, 2007, vol. 19, str. 065105-1 - 18.