Inscription in the current school year.
(b) Successfuly passed written exam or colloquia is a prerequisite for the accession to the oral exam.
Physics 1
Mechanics: motion in one dimension, free fall, motion in two dimensions, circular motion, statics and dynamics - force and Newton's laws, momentum of motion, collisions, mass center, jet force, kinetic and potential energy, work, power, Newton's law of circular motion, torque, elasticity, vibration, gravitation, hydrostatic pressure, buoyancy and floating, flow of liquids, Bernoulli's equation, resistance of matter, wave motion and sound, Doppler effect.
Thermodynamics: temperature, thermal expansion of matter, equation of gasses, isothermal process, internal energy, heat, 1st law of thermodynamics, specific heat, adiabatic changes, heat conduction, heat engines, 2nd law of thermodynamics, efficiency of heat engines, entropy.
V slovenščini/In Slovenian:
1. B. Borštnik, Fizika za študente visokih šol, DMFA - založništvo, 2011
2. R. Kladnik, Osnove fizike I. del, DZS, Ljubljana 1969
3. R. Kladnik, Visokošolska fizika 1. del (Mehanski in toplotni pojavi) in 3. del (Valovni pojavi: akustika in optika), DZS, Ljubljana, (več ponatisov 1985, 1989, 1991, itd.)
4. I. Grabec, Predavanja iz fizike, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Ljubljana, 2003
5. J. Strnad, Fizika I, DZS, Ljubljana, 1977
6. J. Seliger, Zapiski predavanj iz Fizike I: Mehanika, Valovanje. Toplota. Dosegljivo na spletnem naslovu:
V angleščini/In English:
1. D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, John Wiley, New York, 1993
Objectives: basic course on classical mechanics and thermodynamics, illustrated by numerous experiments and examples. The course includes physical measurement methods, methods of computational physics and modeling.
- ability of solving physical problems;
- acquaintance with basic fields of classical physics;
- ability of searching solutions of physical problems in scientific and technical literature;
- ethics in physics.
Knowledge and understanding of basic laws of classical mechanics and thermodynamics. Conceptual understanding of experimental data.
Lectures, tutorials, laboratorium exercises, demonstration experiments.
Written exam (50 %). Written exam can be passed by colloquia during the school year.
Oral exam