Enrollment in the current school year.
Industrial materials
Assoc. Prof. Boštjan Genorio
Assoc. Prof. Boštjan Genorio
Introductions. Materials in technique. Basic groups of materials. Characteristic properties of materials. Criteria for material selection. Perspectives in material development.
Interatomic bonds and structure of matter. Material properties according to the bond type, strength and crystal structure. Properties of crystal structures. Nomenclature. Molecular structures.
Phase equilibrium. Phase rules. Binary and ternary phase diagrams. Diagram Fe-C. Stable and metastable structures.
Metals. Influence of composition and technology on metal properties. Mechanisms and techniques of strengthening of alloys. Influence of defects. Tempering and relaxation of steel.
Polymers and co-polymers. Degree of polymerization, mole mass, tactics, ramification, entanglement, crystallinity, amorphism. Temperature of glass transition. Strengthening of polymers. Creeping. Bonding materials, glues, coatings, composites, mixtures, alloys.
Ceramics. General properties. Structure of silicate ceramics. Classical and modern technical ceramics.
Fragile breaking and strengthening of ceramics. Functional and engineering ceramics. -
Glass. Composition and properties. Glass formers and glass modification. Viscosity and deformation of glass. Glazes and enamels.
Composites. Principles of material strengthening.
Polymers/glass fibers. -
Cements and concrete. Cement materials. Coagulation processes and concrete properties.
Modified and strengthened cements. -
Decay of materials. Principles of corrosion. High-temperature decay. Principles of material protection.
W. Wosnizok, Werkstoffe (Kurz u übersichtlich), VEB DVG, Leipzig, 1984.
W.F. Smith, Principles of Materials Science & Engineering, 2nd Ed., McGraw Hill, New York, 1990.
P. Glavić, Gradiva, Tehniška fakulteta Maribor, 1990.
Knowledge and understanding of basic properties of materials.
Knowledge and understanding:
Selection of materials in construction work, knowledge of properties of products made of different materials.
Lectures, tutorials, demonstration experiments.
Written exam
[1] A. Vorobiev, M. Spreitzer, A. Veber, D. Suvorov, S. Gevorgian, Intrinsically tunable bulk acoustic wave resonators based on sol-gel grown PMN-PT films. Journal of applied physics 116 (2014) 064101-1-064101-8.
[2] D. Klement, M. Spreitzer, D. Suvorov, Suppressed temperature dependence of the resonant frequencyof a AgNbsubTasubO[sub]3 composite vs. single-phase ceramics. Journal of the European ceramic society 34 (2014) 1537-1545.
[3] Lei Li, M. Spreitzer, D. Suvorov, Unique dielectric tunability of Ag(NbsubTa[sub]x)O[sub]3 (x=0-0.5) ceramics with ferrielectric polar order, Applied physics letters 104 (2014) 182902-1-182902-5.