a) Inscription in the current school year.
b) Successfuly passed written exam or colloquia is a prerequisite for the accession to the oral exam.
Physics 2
1st semester
Electricity: Electric charge. Electric fields.
Gauss' law. Electric potential. Capacitance. Current and resistance. Electrical circuits. Magnetic fields due to currents. Induction and inductance. Matter in magnetic field: Maxwell equations
2nd semester:
Electromagnetic waves: Electromagnetic oscillations and alternating current. Electromagnetic waves.
Optics: Optical imaging. Interference. Diffraction.
- J. Strnad, Fízika, 2. del, Založba FMF, 2020
- J. Seliger, Zapiski predavanj iz Fizike I: Elektrika, Valovanje. Dosegljivo na spletnem naslovu: http://www.fmf.uni-lj.si/~seliger
- R. Kladnik, Visokošolska fizika 2. in 3. del, DZS (več ponatisov, 1985, 1989, 1991, itd.)
- A. Mohorič, Naloge iz fizike II za fizikalno merilno tehniko, DMFA-založništvo, 2010.
V angleščini/in English:
1. J. Walker, Halliday&Resnick’s Principles of Physics, Wiley 2020 (11. natis)
2. 2. H. C. Ohanian, J. T. Markert, Physics for Engineers and Scientists, Vol. 2, W. W. Norton & Company 2007 (3. natis).
3. E. Etkina, G. Planinsic, A. Van Hauvelen, College Physics – Explore and Apply, Pearson 2019 (2. natis).
Objectives: basic course on electricity, magnetism, electromagnetic waves and optics, illustrated by numerous experiments and examples. The course includes physical measurement methods, methods of computational physics and modeling.
- ability of solving physical problems;
- acquaintance with basic fields of classical physics;
- ability of searching solutions of physical problems in scientific and technical literature;
- ethics in physics.
Knowledge and understanding:
Knowledge and understanding of basic laws of electromagnetism, electromagnetic waves and optics.
Conceptual understanding of particular quantities, including those from the subjects Physics I.
Understanding of demonstration experiments and experimental data.
Lectures, tutorials, laboratorium exercises, demonstration experiments.
Written exam (50 %). Written exam can be passed by colloquia during the school year.
Oral exam
[1] Ž. Šmit, G. Lapicki, Energy loss in the ECPSSR theory and its calculation with exact integration limits. Journal of physics. B, Atomic, molecular and optical physics 47 (2014) 055203-1- 055203-7.
[2] Ž. Šmit, H. Fajfar, M. Jeršek, T. Knifix, J. Lux, Analysis of garnets from the archaeological sites in Slovenia. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms 328 (2014) 89-94.
[3] Ž. Šmit, T, Milavec, H. Fajfar, Th. Rehren, W. Lankton, B. Gratuze, Analysis of glass from the post-Roman settlement Tonovcov grad (Slovenia) by PIXE-PIGE and LA-ICP-MS. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms, 311 (2013) 53-59.