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Applied Physics, First Cycle
1 year
Course director:

Alojz Demšar

Lecturer (contact person):

Prof. Romana Cerc Korošec

Hours per week – 2. semester:
Content (Syllabus outline)

Lectures: The composition and structure of matter, chemical and physical homogeneity, separation of phases and components.
The basic chemical laws, atomic structure of matter.
The heat of chemical reactions.
Effects on the rate of chemical reactions.
Structure of the atom, the basic characteristics of the Bohr and quantum mechanical model of the atom, orbitals, electron configuration and the periodic table of elements.
Types of chemical bonds, valence bond theory, Lewis molecular structures, molecular orbitals, molecular bonds.
The states of matter, structure of solids.
Chemistry at interfaces, adsorption
Liquids, solutions, colligative properties, solutions of electrolytes, dissociation.
Equilibrium chemical processes, equilibrium in solutions, ionic reaction, buffers.
Oxidation-reduction reactions, electrochemical series, electrolysis.
Environmental aspects of major elements and compounds.
Laboratory exercises: Introduction to safety in chemical laboratory; chemical stoichiometry; molecular weight and the reaction with the gaseous reactants or products; solutions; acids, bases and salts; electrolytic dissociation and chemical equilibrium; oxidation-reduction reactions.


B. Čeh, Splošna kemija. UL FKKT, Ljubljana, 2022.
F. Lazarini in J. Brenčič, Splošna in anorganska kemija. UL FKKT, Ljubljana, 2017.
B. Čeh, Splošna in anorganska kemija: zbirka pojmov, vprašanj in nalog z odgovori in rešitvami. UL FKKT, Ljubljana, 2015.
B. Čeh, Kemijsko računanje in osnove kemijskega ravnotežja. UL FKKT, Ljubljana, 2015.
I. Turel, Kemija. UL FS, Ljubljana, 2002.

Objectives and competences

Objectives: Upgrading the basics of chemistry, knowledge and understanding of the relationship between chemical structure of matter and its properties and reactivity.
Competencies: Knowledge of the major fields of chemistry, chemical elements and compounds, the ability of quantitative treatment of basic chemical and physical systems. Safe work in the chemical laboratory and the ability of qualitative and quantitative interpretation of the results.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
Knowledge of basic relations between the atomic and molecular structure and properties of various materials and chemical reactions of these substances.
Calculation of the quantities in the basic chemical systems.
Understanding the chemical processes in nature and technology.
Interpretation of the observed chemical processes (experiments).

Learning and teaching methods

Lectures with demonstration experiments, laboratory excercises


Written exam
grading: 5 (fail), 6-10 (pass) (according to the Statute of UL)

Lecturer's references

[1] PEVEC, Andrej, TEKAVEC, Martina, DEMŠAR, Alojz. Cation-anion interactions involving hydrogen bonds : syntheses and crystal structures study of hexafluorotitanate(IV) salts with pyridine and methyl substituted pyridines. Polyhedron, 2011, vol. 30, str. 549-555.
[2] PINTER, Balazs, DEMŠAR, Alojz, URANKAR, Damijana, DE PROFT, Frank, KOŠMRLJ, Janez. Conformational fluxionality in a palladium(II) complex of flexible click chelator 4-phenyl-1-(2-picolyl)-1,2,3-triazole : a dynamic NMR and DFT study. Polyhedron, 2011, vol. 30, str. 2368-2373.
[3] PETRIČEK, Saša, DEMŠAR, Alojz. Syntheses and crystal structures of manganese, nickel and zinc chloride complexes with dimethoxyethane and di(2-methoxyethyl) ether. Polyhedron, 2010, vol. 29, str. 3329-3334.