Regular enrolement
Selected topics in physics
Prof. Dr. Boštjan Golob
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rok Pestotnik, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matija Milanič
The content is determined each year, according to the availability of guest lecturers (roughly half of the seminars) and researchers from the department and neighbouring institutions.
• Vezana na konkreten program predavanj, se oblikuje sproti.
• Related to the concrete set of lectures and seminars, is determined according to the needs.
Students gain a broad knowledge on the recent progress in physics in general.
Knowledge and understanding:
Obtaining a broad knowledge in physics.
Transfer of the knowledge and experience between variuos areas in physics. Taking part in scientific discussions.
Critical assessment of the data found in the literature. Critical evaluation of lecturers.
Transferable skills:
Taking part in a discussion
Attending the lectures.