Regular enrolement
Seminar 2
The program is determined each year, and typically covers topics in physics research which are pursued at the faculty as well as in the related institutions. Supervisors of students are lecturers at UL as well as researchers at related institutions.
William Strunk, Jr., E. B. White, "The Elements of Style".
Specialna literatura ob posamezni temi seminarja.
Students gain experience in presenting to a broad physics audience; they also gain experience in scientific discussions.
Knowledge and understanding:
Obtaining a broad knowledge in recent developments in physics. Knowledge of basic principles of writing scientific papers and preparing of lectures.
Presentation of research work, writing of scientific papers. Taking part in scientific discussions. Transfer of knowledge and experience between various areas in physics.
Critical assessment of the data found in the literature. Critical evaluation of lecturers.
Transferable skills:
Presentation of research work, writing of scientific papers. Taking part in a discussion.
Lectures, seminar preparation
Presentation of seminar work
prof. dr. Peter Križan
• I. Adachi et al. [Belle Collaboration], Measurement of B- tau- nu with a Hadronic Tagging Method Using the Full Data Sample of Belle, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 131801
• I. Adachi et al., Precise measurement of the CP violation parameter sin2phi_1 in B0 c c K0 decays, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 171802
P. Križan, Overview of particle identification techniques, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A706 (2013) 48.