Regular enrolement
Experiments in physics 2
In this course the students have the choice of the selecting three of the following lab exercises:
• The measurement of the angular distribution of cosmic rays with a system of multi-wire proportional chambers
• Multianode photomultiplier tubes and diffraction experiment with single photons
• Determination of the mass difference of D mesons, mD *-mD
• Plasma diagnostics
• Transmission electron microscopy of nanotubes
• Reactor: the critical experiment
• Reactor: response to a change in the reactivity of the reactor
• A. Likar, Fizikalna merjenja I in II
• W.R. Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, Springer, 1987.
• B.P. Roe, Probability and statistics in experimental physics, Springer 1992.
• Specialna literatura ob posameznih vajah.
Students learn about basic experimental methods of physics.
Subject-specific competencies: Knowledge, understanding and practical hands-on experience in complex measurements in various fields physics. A large fraction of the lab exercises are carried out at the J. Stefan Institute.
Knowledge and understanding:
Acquire practical knowledge in the fields of experimental physics and instrumentation.
Ability to work with complex experimental equipment. Understanding critical parameters in experimentation in physics.
A critical assessment of an experimental apparatus, its accuracy and reliability.
Transferable skills:
Ability to work on a complex apparatus, data acquisition, and its collection and analysis. Ability to determine the accuracy of the measurement.
Lectures, laboratory excercises, analysis of measurements.
Reports on 3 lab excercises.
grading: 5 (fail), 6-10 (pass) (according to the Statute of UL)
Hribernik N, et al. Quantitative imaging biomarkers of immune-related adverse events in immune-checkpoint blockade-treated metastatic melanoma patients : a pilot study. European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. 2022
Studen, A., Clinthorne, N. System resolution versus image uncertainty for positron emission tomography scanners. Journal of Medical Imaging. 2022.
Skoblar Vidmar M et al. The value of FET PET/CT in recurrent glioma with a different IDH mutation status [Elektronski vir] : the relationship between imaging and molecular biomarkers. International journal of molecular sciences 2022.