Mauricio Sturla: Brane physics in non-critical string theory
Četrtek, 14. januarja ob 12:00 v čajni sobi oddelka F1, IJS
Joint FMF-JSI high energy physics seminar
12. 1. 2010
Malcolm Fairbairn: Dark Matter in the Galaxy and at the LHC - making the connection
Petek, 8. januar ob 12:00 v Kuščerjevem seminarju, 4. nad. FMF (stavba fizike)
Joint FMF-JSI high energy physics seminar
5. 1. 2010
Oscar Cata: 2-forms in holographic QCD
Četrtek, 10. decembra ob 12:00 v čajni sobi odseka F1, IJS
Joint FMF-JSI high energy physics seminar
4. 12. 2009
Seung Lee: A Visible Custodially Warped-GUT Dark Matter Sector & Astrophysical Implications
Torek, 8. decembra ob 14:30 v čajni sobi odseka F1, IJS
Joint FMF-JSI high energy physics seminar
4. 12. 2009