Project: RPS experiment
Title: Relativistic Positioning Systems experiment
Period: 1. 7. 2020 - 1. 10. 2021
Leading organization: Aalta Lab d.o.o. Limited Liability Company
Participating organization: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (UNI-LJ), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Principal investigator UL FMF: Martin Horvat
Research activity: Physics
Project description:
In this study, we will develop a new processing strategy for orbit and clock solution using only Inter-Satellites Links observables, apply it for the first time to real data, and compare our solution to existing solutions using standard processing from ground Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) terminals.
This is a project financed jointly by ESA and HORIZON 2020 program as part of the call H2020-ESA-038 GNSS evolutions experimental payloads and science activities.