Project: ENENplus
Title: Attract, Retain and Develop New Nuclear Talents Beyond Academic Curricula
Period: 1.10.2017-30.9.2021
Host Institution: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Principal investigator: Iztok Tiselj
Research activity: Physisc
link on CORDIS
Project description:
The primary motivation of the ENEN+ project is to substantially contribute to the revival of the interest of young generations in the careers in nuclear sector. This is to be achieved by pursuing the following main objectives:
- Attract new talents to careers in nuclear.
- Develop the attracted talents beyond academic curricula.
- Increase the retention of attracted talents in nuclear careers.
- Involve the nuclear stakeholders within EU and beyond.
- Sustain the revived interest for nuclear careers.
The ENEN+ consortium will focus on the learners and careers in the following nuclear disciplines:
- Nuclear reactor engineering and safety,
- Waste management and geological disposal,
- Radiation protection and
- Medical applications.
Integration of further nuclear disciplines (e.g., nuclear chemistry, decommissioning, fusion engineering…) and sustainability of the ENEN+ accomplishments beyond the project life of is foreseen within the existing ENEN Association and its members and partnering of ENEN association with ongoing and proposed projects.
The attraction, retention and development of the new nuclear talent can only be sustained beyond the project life through strong partnership of all nuclear stakeholders. Involvement of various nuclear stakeholders including academia, industry, international organisations (ENS, FORATOM, IAEA, NUGENIA) and Technical support organisations in the ENEN+ consortium is therefore of primary importance for the success and sustainability of the proposed activities also beyond the life of ENEN+. A mobility fund of more than 1.000.000EUR for European students researchers and learners is established in the project.
»This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No 755576.«