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Theoretical physics

Mathematics, Second Cycle
1 ali 2 year
first or second
slovenian, english
Course director:
Hours per week – 1. or 2. semester:

There are no prerequisites.

Content (Syllabus outline)

Short overview of physics: Historic overview of all physics fields, from particle physics to cosmology.
Basics constants in physics: Physics quantities. Symmetries of laws of physics. Validity of classical non-relativistic and relativistic mechanics. Validity of relativistic and non-relativistic quantum mechanics.
Basics classical mehanics: Principle of least action, Lagrange equations of motion and conservation laws. Scattering of particles on spherically symmetric potentials. Scattering cross cection. Small oscillations of harmonic oscillators. Rigid body.
Special theory of relativity: Principle of relativity and Minkowski metric. Lorentz transformations. Conservation laws in relativistic mechanics. Scalars, vectors, tensors. Relativistic equations in one dimension. Examples.
Electrodynamics: Particles in electromagnetic field, four-vector of electromagnetic field. Free field, tensor of field, Lagrange density. Maxwells equations for fields with sources. Examples.
General theory of relativity: Gravitational force. Newton mechanics and homogeneous model of Universe. Equivalence principle. Qualitative overview of Einstein equations of motion. Examples.


M. Mizushima: Theoretical physics, Wiley, New York, 1972.
A. S. Kompaneec: Teoretičeskaja fizika, Moskva, 1961.
L.D.Landau, E.M.Lifshitz: Mechanics and electrodynamics, Butterworth Heineman, 1996
The Feynman lectures on physics, Addison - Wesley,Massachusetts, 1966.

Objectives and competences

Objectives: Understanding of basical physical theories. Application of mathematical description to understand physical phenomena. The analysis of problems, search for equations of motion, boundary conditions, symmetries, solving and critical interpretation of solutions.
Acquired competence:
Theoretical understanding.
Modeling and solving the models of physical systems.
In depth knowledge of the quantum mechanics.
Acquired capacity to do independent literature search.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding: Analysis of physical problems, description with mathematical models and interpretation of results.
Application: A broader understanding of problems will help to motivate students to connect mathematical formalism to practical problems.
Reflection: Application of mathematical methods in physics will help to get a deeper understanding of mathematical background.
Transferable skills: Ability to spot a problem, to analyse it, to find a method to solve it and finally, critically to discuss the solution.

Learning and teaching methods

Lectures, numerical exercices, homeworks and consultations.


2 tests on numerical exercises or a written examination
Oral exam
grading: 5 (fail), 6-10 (pass) (according to the Statute of UL)

Lecturer's references

ČADEŽ, Tilen, JEFFERSON, J. H., RAMŠAK, Anton. A non-adiabatically driven electron in a quantum wire with spin-orbit interaction. New journal of physics, ISSN 1367-2630. [Online ed.], 2013, vol. 15, art. no. 013029, 11 str. [COBISS-SI-ID 2526308]
RAMŠAK, Anton. Geometric analysis of entangled qubit pairs. New journal of physics, ISSN 1367-2630. [Online ed.], 2011, vol. 13, no. 10, str. 103037-1-103037-7. [COBISS-SI-ID 2373476]
RAMŠAK, Anton. Geometrical view of quantum entanglement. Europhysics letters, ISSN 0295-5075, 2011, issue 4, article number 40004, str. 40004-p1-40004-p6. [COBISS-SI-ID 2373220]
RAMŠAK, Anton, MRAVLJE, Jernej, ŽITKO, Rok, BONČA, Janez. Spin qubits in double quantum dots : entanglement versus Kondo effect. Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, ISSN 1098-0121, 2006, 74, str. 241305-1-1241305-4. [COBISS-SI-ID 1962340]
RAMŠAK, Anton, SEGA, Igor, JEFFERSON, J. H. Entanglement of two delocalized electrons. Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, ISSN 1050-2947, 2006, 74, str. 010304-1-010304-4. [COBISS-SI-ID 1923428]