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Programmes offered:
Physics, Astronomy, Physics Education and Communication, and Meteorology

Number of years:
Credits per year:
3 years (6 semesters), total of 180 ECTS credits
Employment opportunities

Research, education, healthcare, finance, media, construction, energy, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, information technology, telecommunications, pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, electronic and optical industries …

Basic objectives of the programme

Physics First Cycle degree programmes are designed to develop transferable problem-solving skills needed in the research of physical properties of materials, as well as matter in general, and the interpretation of natural phenomena.

Upon completion of a degree programme, students should also have learnt novel computational and experimental techniques.

An Astronomy graduate will have gained an understanding of phenomena in the universe as well as the multitude of physical theories and models associated with them.

A Physics Education and Communication graduate will have gained a broad understanding of fundamental physics as well as the communication skills needed to present scientific discoveries to the public.

General competences

Upon completion of a degree programme, students should have gained the following transferable skills:

The ability to analyse causes of natural phenomena
A familiarity with the methods used in science
The ability to present results in a form accessible to either scientists or members of the public
The capability to analyse data using computer resources

Subject-specific competences

Upon completion of a degree programme, the students should have:

Gained an insight into the fundamental laws of physics and nature
Learnt how to see the links between different natural phenomena
Gained basic experimental skills
Learnt how to solve physical models analytically and computationally

Admission requirements

Each year we admit 120 new undergraduates that need to complete the Slovenian (or compatible) four-year baccalaureate/GCSE/.. programme.

There is an active Erasmus+ student exchange programme. In this case the prerequisites for attending particular courses are discussed with the students on a case-by-case basis.

Criteria for recognising knowledge and skills obtained prior to enrolment in the programme

Certain prior qualifications can be acknowledged and accepted as successfully completed lecture courses. If the content and duration of the lecture course completed elsewhere is comparable to a course at the Department of Physics, it can be awarded the same number of ECTS credits.

A written request, including proof of qualifications, must be made. Each case is considered by the study committee of the Department of Physics on an individual basis. Please note that it is advisable to consult the Student Support Office in such circumstances.

Assessment methods

Each lecture course is assessed individually. Typically, there will be a written and an oral examination. Written examinations are usually distributed throughout the semester, while oral examinations take place after other requirements (written examination, homeworks, seminars etc.) have been met. There are three formal examination periods per academic year.

The assessment criteria and details are subject to the rules and guidelines of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, which are confirmed by the Senate of the Faculty of the Mathematics and Physics. In assessment, grades are awarded according to the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana.

Conditions for advancement under the programme

In order to progress to the second year, one must have fulfilled all the requirements of the following lecture courses: Classical Physics, Mathematics I and II, Physics Laboratory I and II, Computing Laboratory and have obtained at least 52 ECTS in the first year (including the credits obtained from the compulsory lecture courses listed above).
In order to progress to the third year, one must have successfully completed the first year (50 ECTS) and fulfilled all the requirements of the following lecture courses: Modern Physics I and II, Mathematics III and IV, Physics Laboratory III and IV, and have obtained at least 50 ECTS in the second year (including the credits obtained from the compulsory lecture courses listed above).

In order to repeat a year, the following requirements have to be fulfilled:

At least half of the required credits of the current year must have been obtained, that is 30 ECTS, and
All requirements of preceding years must have been met entirely.

Conditions for transferring between programmes

Transfers from other degree programmes, as well as transfers between physics programmes, are possible. They are, however, subject to conditions and requirements determined by the study committee of the Department of Physics. Enquiries should be made to the Student Support Office.

  • KLASIUS-SRV: Academic higher education (first Bologna cycle)/Academic higher education (first Bologna cycle)
  • ISCED: Physical sciences
  • KLASIUS-P-16: Physics
  • Frascati: Natural Sciences
  • SOK level: 7
  • EOK level: 6
  • EOVK level: First cycle

Curricula for orientations