a) Inscription in the 3rd studying year
b) Completed commitments of the 1st semester 3rd year.
Practical work (3 months)
Practical work according to the specification of the working process in the organization.
Po priporočilu v delovni organizaciji.
According to the recommendation in the working organiyation.
Objectives: The student incorporates in a high-technology lab in a working organization, where he/she testes his knowledge in praxis and becomes familiar with the working process.
being part of the real working process
individual solution of problems
working in a group
knowledge of high-tech equipment
Knowledge and understanding:
Checking of theoretical knowledge at practical work.
People relations in the working environment and finding out which part of the attained knowledge is most important.
Work in the working organization under supervision of the mentor.
According to the recommendation of the work, the praxis is assed as passed/not passed.
[1] Ž. Šmit, G. Lapicki, Energy loss in the ECPSSR theory and its calculation with exact integration limits. Journal of physics. B, Atomic, molecular and optical physics 47 (2014) 055203-1- 055203-7.
[2] Ž. Šmit, H. Fajfar, M. Jeršek, T. Knifix, J. Lux, Analysis of garnets from the archaeological sites in Slovenia. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms 328 (2014) 89-94.
[3] Ž. Šmit, T, Milavec, H. Fajfar, Th. Rehren, W. Lankton, B. Gratuze, Analysis of glass from the post-Roman settlement Tonovcov grad (Slovenia) by PIXE-PIGE and LA-ICP-MS. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms, 311 (2013) 53-59.