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Algebra seminar

Janez Šter: Dviganje obrnljivih elementov v čistih kolobarjih
Sreda, 14. novembra 2012, ob 10. uri v Plemljevem seminarju, Jadranska 19/III, Ljubljana
Algebra seminar
11. 11. 2012
Kristijan Cafuta: Vsote hermitskih kvadratov nekomutativnih polinomov II
Sreda, 7. novembra 2012, ob 10. uri v Plemljevem seminarju, Jadranska 19/III, Ljubljana
Algebra seminar
5. 11. 2012
Joao Pita Costa: Flat Coset Decomposition of a Skew Lattice
Sreda, 24. oktobra 2012, ob 10. uri v Plemljevem seminarju, Jadranska 19/III, Ljubljana
Algebra seminar
19. 10. 2012
Nik Stopar: O kvaziregularnih elementih
Algebra seminar
16. 10. 2012
Ramesh Sreekantan: Algebraic cycles on Abelian and K3 surfaces
There are several conjectures in the theory of algebraic cycles relating groups of algebraic cycles, on the one hand, with values of certain zeta functions, on the other. One well known example is the Dirichlet Class number formula relating the units group and class group with the value at 0 of the Dedekind zeta function. \zeta_K^*(0)=-R_Kh_K/w_k Several people have formulated general conjectures generalizing this formula. In this talk we will describe some work on algebraic cycles on Abelian surfaces and K3 surfaces which is motivated by trying to prove these conjectures in some special cases.
Algebra seminar
8. 6. 2012
Kristijan Cafuta: Vsote hermitskih kvadratov nekomutativnih polinomov
Algebra seminar
5. 6. 2012
Ganna Kudryavtseva: Stonova dualnost za inverzne polgrupe
Algebra seminar
28. 5. 2012
Robert F. Morse: Capable groups
I will be talking about groups that occur as a central quotient and how we determine if a group is capable. To this end we will look at the epicenter of a group and how we can compute it. The talk will be expository in nature.
Algebra seminar
21. 5. 2012
Janez Bernik: Liejeve algebre s poltranzitivnim delovanjem III
Algebra seminar
14. 5. 2012
Pawel Gladki: Hyperrings, multirings, and hyperfields
Algebra seminar
7. 5. 2012
Klemen Šivic: Posplošeni izrek o glavnih idealih
Algebra seminar
24. 4. 2012
Damjana Kokol Bukovšek: O grafih komutativnosti grupe S_n in polgrupe IS_n
Algebra seminar
12. 4. 2012
Urban Jezernik: Algebraične (ko)homologije
Algebra seminar
10. 4. 2012
Nik Stopar: Nilpotentni, algebraični in kvazi regularni elementi
Algebra seminar
2. 4. 2012
Jurij Volčič: Periodičnost in injektivnost končno razsežnih algeber
Algebra seminar
22. 3. 2012
Primož Moravec: Izoklinizem in nerazvejene Brauerjeve grupe
Algebra seminar
16. 3. 2012
João Pita Costa: Distributivity in skew lattices
In the latest developments in the theory of skew lattices, the study of distributivity has been one of the main topics. Furthermore, the largest classes of examples of such algebras are distributive. Unlike what happens in lattices, the properties of cancellation and distributivity are independent for skew lattices. In the past two years a group of mathematicians have worked on this topic (namely K. Cvetko-Vah, J. Leech, M. Spinks and M. Kinyon). In this talk we will discuss several aspects of distributivity in the absence of commutativity, review the recent results by Kinyon and Leech on these matters and have an insight on the coset structure of those algebras that satisfy this property.
Algebra seminar
13. 3. 2012
Matjaž Pugelj: Ravninski grafi komutativnosti kolobarjev
Algebra seminar
5. 3. 2012
Karin Cvetko Vah: Poševne mreže in binarne operacije na funkcijah
Algebra seminar
28. 2. 2012
Seminar za algebro v sredo, 22. februarja, odpade.
Algebra seminar
21. 2. 2012