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Interdisciplinary University Study Programme Computer Science and Mathematics

The interdisciplinary programme of Computer Science and Mathematics is a joint programme with the Faculty of computer and information science. Its aim is to provide training in the theoretical foundations of computer science and the related modern branches of discrete mathematics and computing. Graduates acquire a wide range of knowledge in the basics of computer and information science, enabling them to understand and later on develop new achievements in this area. Graduates also have a good grasp of background knowledge and can work in new interdisciplinary fields where they can apply their expertise both in theoretical computer science and the relevant mathematical support fields, such as certain disciplines of biotechnology, biomedical sciences, theoretical chemistry and so on. Graduates acquire the ability for independent professional work as well as for work in a group and at the same time acquire the basic knowledge required for studies at the second level.

Number of years:
Credits per year:
3 years (6 semesters), total of 180 ECTS credits
Professional title:
Graduates obtain the title diplomirani inženir računalništva in matematike (UN)/diplomirana inženirka računalništva in matematike (UN), abbreviated to dipl. inž. rač. in mat. (UN).
Employment opportunities

Graduates acquire a wide range of knowledge in the basics of computer and information science, enabling them to understand and later on develop new achievements in this area. Furthermore, this study programme produces highly-qualified experts who are trained to work with new technologies yet to be developed, whilst continuing and expanding research and discoveries in computer science and computer mathematics. Graduates also have a good grasp of background knowledge and can work in new interdisciplinary fields where they can apply their expertise both in theoretical computer science and the relevant mathematical support fields, such as certain disciplines of biotechnology (e.g. genetics and bioinformatics), biomedical sciences, theoretical chemistry and so on.

Basic objectives of the programme

The goals of the programme include qualifying the graduates for developing and working with new information technologies, for research work in the field of mathematics and theoretical computer science, and the ability to quickly acquire new knowledge in the field of computing and informatics and related areas of mathematics.

General competences

Graduates are qualified to work in the development of information technologies and research in mathematics and computer science. Their solid foundation also serves them in acquiring new skills in the rapidly evolving field of computer science. Graduates acquire the following general competences:

  • Problem abstraction and analysis;
  • The ability to synthesise and critically assess results;
  • The ability to apply knowledge in practice;
  • The ability to communicate in the field of expertise;
  • The ability to find resources and critically assess information;
  • The ability to work independently as well as in a team,
  • The ability to develop professional responsibility and work ethics.
Subject-specific competences

Subject-specific competences acquired through the programme:

Fundamental competence in the field of theoretical computer science, logic and discrete mathematics, which comprises basic and advanced theoretical knowledge, and practical skills essential both for computer science and mathematics;
Translation of practical problems into mathematical language and theoretical computer science, and performing a qualitative analysis of the obtained mathematical problems;
Designing algorithms to solve problems, implementing advanced algorithms in relevant software;
Analysis and presentation of results;
Understanding and applying computer and information science skills to other engineering fields or relevant fields of expertise (economics, financial mathematics, organisational sciences etc.)
Applying practical skills in software, hardware and information technologies;
First cycle graduates are able to independently perform less demanding as well as complex engineering and organisational development tasks in their selected fields;
Basic skills in computer and information science, allowing the continuation of studies in the second study cycle.

Admission requirements

Candidates meeting the following criteria can enrol in the interdisciplinary study programme: a) A completed Matura exam (or an equivalent degree from a foreign institution),

b) A completed vocational Matura in any secondary programme and a Matura exam subject in Mathematics (or an equivalent degree from a foreign institution); if candidates have already completed this for the vocational Matura exam, then they must complete any of the other Matura exam subjects that they have not yet completed for the vocational Matura.

c) Any four-year secondary school study (or an equivalent degree from a foreign institution)

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

In case the number of applicants exceeds the maximum availability, the applicants are selected according to their final matura (or vocational matura) grade, their mathematics matura (or vocational matura) grade, their grade point average (GPA) in the last two years of high school, and their final mathematics grades in the last two years of high school. These are weighted in the following way.

Applicants under a) and c):

• Matura certificate grade (60% of points),
• GPA in the 3rd and 4th years of high school (20% of points),
• Final grade in mathematics in the 3rd and 4th years of high school (20% of points).

Applicants under b):

• Vocational matura grade (30% of points),
• Matura exam grade (30% of points),
• GPA in the 3rd and 4th years of high school (20% of points),
• Final grade in mathematics in the 3rd and 4th years of high school (20% of points).

Criteria for recognising knowledge and skills obtained prior to enrolment in the programme

The study programme enables the recognition of relevant knowledge acquired through non-formal or
experiential learning. This knowledge can be recognised as part of the completed study requirements,
generally at up to 6 ECTS for knowledge acquired outside the university. Formally acquired knowledge
is recognised such that comparable study content of a programme is recognised at the level of ECTS
ascribed to the acquired knowledge. In the recognition process certificates and other documents are
taken into account.

Assessment methods

The methods of assessment comply with the UL Statute and are set out in the curriculums.

Conditions for advancement under the programme

To enrol in Year 2, students must complete requirements amounting to at least 53 ECTS. To enrol in Year 3, students must complete all courses from Year 1 and at least 53 ECTS from Year 2.

For re-enrolment in the same study year, a student needs to earn:
a) at least half of all possible credits of the current study year (30 ECTS credits), and
b) all credits from the previous study years.
Re-enrolment is only possible once. A change of the study programme counts as re-enrolment.

Conditions for transferring between programmes

It is possible to transfer from other study programmes. The appropriate year of study as well as other transfer requirements are determined on the basis of the programme the student is transferring from. The exact conditions for finishing the programme are determined by the study committee.

Conditions for completing studies

To graduate, students need to complete all exams.

  • KLASIUS-SRV: Academic higher education (first Bologna cycle)/Academic higher education (first Bologna cycle)
  • ISCED: Mathematics and statistics, Computing
  • KLASIUS-P: Mathematics (broad programmes)
  • KLASIUS-P-16: Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
  • Frascati: Natural Sciences
  • SOK level: 7
  • EOK level: 6
  • EOVK level: First cycle


P = lecture and seminar hours per week
V = theoretical and laboratory exercise hours per week
ECTS = credit points

1. year
2. year
3. year
Module: Informatics
1. sem. 2. sem.
Course ECTS P/V P/V
Electronic business 6 3/2 0/0
Information systems development 6 0/0 4.33/0.67
Data management technologies 6 3.67/1.33 0/0
Module: Software
1. sem. 2. sem.
Course ECTS P/V P/V
Analysis of algorithms and heuristic problem solving 6 0/0 3.67/1.33
Software development processes 6 3.67/1.33 0/0
System software 6 3.67/1.33 0/0
Module: Computer Systems and Networks
1. sem. 2. sem.
Course ECTS P/V P/V
Mobile and wireless networks 6 0/0 3.67/1.33
Computer networks modelling 6 3.67/1.33 0/0
Distributed systems 6 3.67/1.33 0/0
Module Artificial intelligence
1. sem. 2. sem.
Course ECTS P/V P/V
Intelligent systems 6 3.4/1.6 0/0
Machine perception 6 3.67/1.33 0/0
Introduction to data mining 6 0/0 4.33/0.67
Module: Media Technology
1. sem. 2. sem.
Course ECTS P/V P/V
Multimedia systems 6 3.67/1.33 0/0
Platform based development 6 0/0 3/2
Computer graphics and game technology 6 3.67/1.33 0/0