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Computer Science and Mathematics, Second Cycle

This programme is designed for Bachelors in programs such as Computer science and mathematics, Mathematics, and Computer and information science. The programme is offered jointly by the Faculty of Mathematics and Faculty of Computer and Information Science. The goal of the programme is to educate students to be able to develop new information technology and to conduct research in mathematics and theoretical computer science.

Number of years:
Credits per year:
2 years (4 semesters), total of 120 ECTS credits
Professional title:
Graduates obtain the title magister inženir računalništva in matematike/magistrica inženirka računalništva in matematike, abbreviated to mag. inž. rač. mat.
Admission requirements

Admission to the study programme is open to either: a) Graduates of undergraduate study programmes in the areas of computer or information science, mathematics, financial mathematics, pedagogical mathematics, statistics and physics.

b) Graduates of undergraduate study programmes in other areas that have met all the requirements for the continuation of study. The requirements (between 10 and 60 credits) are specified by the department study committee.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

If a decision is issued to limit enrolment, candidates are selected based on their:

grade point average (GPA) achieved in undergraduate studies 50%,
results of the selection exam 50 %.

Criteria for recognising knowledge and skills obtained prior to enrolment in the programme

Students may apply for validation of competences acquired previously by means of various forms of education if their competences match those of one or more courses offered within this study programme.

In a formal written request submitted to the Department of Mathematics, the applicant must specify the course(s) whose competences he or she had already mastered, and attach official transcripts proving it. When considering the possible validation of competences corresponding to a particular course, the department study committee bases its decision on a comparison of the duration of the educational process and the scope of the acquired competences with the respective components of the course(s) to which the request pertains.

If the study committee decides to validate the previously acquired competences, the student is awarded all ECTS credits that correspond to the respective course(s). In the validation process, the study committee follows The rules and guidelines for validation of informally acquired knowledge and skills, accepted by the Senate of The University of Ljubljana on 29 May 2007 (

Conditions for advancement under the programme

Enrolment in Year 1 is granted upon admission. For enrolment in Year 2 it is necessary to earn 54 ECTS credits from courses and exams in Year 1.

For re-enrolment in the first study year, a student needs to earn at least half of all possible credits (30 ECTS credits). Re-enrolment is only possible once. A change of the study programme counts as re-enrolment.

Conditions for transferring between programmes

It is possible to transfer from other study programmes. The appropriate year of study as well as other transfer requirements are determined on the basis of the programme the student is transferring from. The exact conditions for finishing the programme are determined by the department study committee.

  • KLASIUS-SRV: Masters education (second Bologna cycle)/Master (second Bologna cycle)
  • ISCED: Mathematics and statistics
  • KLASIUS-P: Mathematics (broad programmes)
  • KLASIUS-P-16: Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
  • Frascati: Natural Sciences
  • SOK level: 8
  • EOK level: 7
  • EOVK level: Second cycle


P = lecture and seminar hours per week
V = theoretical and laboratory exercise hours per week
ECTS = credit points

1. year
2. year

Students must select at least seven mathematical electives (at least 3 from group A). Students must select at least five computer science electives.

Student's choice of electives must be approved by the department's study committee.

1., 2. year
Mathematics electives (A)
1. sem. 2. sem.
Course ECTS P/V P/V
Logic in computer science 6 3/2 0/0
Computer aided (geometric) design 6 3/2 0/0
Computational geometry 6 3/2 0/0
Probabilistic methods in computer science 6 3/2 0/0