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Nuclear Engineering, Second Cycle

Number of years:
Credits per year:
2 years (4 semesters), total of 120 ECTS credits
Employment opportunities

Employment opportunities in Slovenia

  • NPP Krško
  • GEN Energija
  • Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration
  • Slovenian Radiation Protection Administration
  • Agency for Radwaste Management
  • Employment with pursue for advanced degree: Jožef Stefan Institute
Basic objectives of the programme

The objective of the nuclear engineering program is to train experts in the field of
nuclear engineering. The program offers students a wide range of fundamental
knowledge in the areas of mathematics, physics, engineering and computer science -
all focused on nuclear technology. The program is aimed at a wider range of students
with a university degree, technical or natural sciences such as physics, mechanical
engineering, electrical engineering, construction engineering, metallurgy, chemistry,
mathematics. A Master degree in nuclear engineering means upgrading of students
basic university education with knowledge from the areas of nuclear physics and
technology. In addition, a wide range of elective courses will enable the student to
get an insight into current scientific issues in selected areas of nuclear engineering.
A wide range of knowledge allows a master of nuclear engineering to identify and
classify problems. A nuclear engineer is capable to separate the more important
aspects of the problem from the less important ones. Solid mathematical background
and the insight into the modelling methods enable the graduate to translate a
problem into a mathematical form, solve it and interpret the results. Sovereign control
of high-performance computer system together with other information and
communication technologies, benefit the engineer greatly.

Subject-specific competences

Together with general competences that are similar to other related studies, the
graduates will acquire specific competencies, which include in-depth knowledge of
nuclear technology and nuclear energy. Nuclear Engineering program is designed
uniformly with respect for branching and modularity of nuclear technology. The
program is therefore only partly aimed at gaining average overall competences in
nuclear engineering. These are transferred by two fundamental (compulsory) subjects:
Nuclear Engineering and seminars, which cover all aspects of nuclear technology. With
the proper choice in elective courses a student can be directed to different area of
nuclear technology: nuclear physics, nuclear safety, process engineering, nuclear
materials, strength, probabilistic safety analysis, radiation safety and fusion technique.

Admission requirements

The masters program may be entered by students who have completed:

a) First-level program in the fields of physics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, civil engineering, mathematics, or chemistry.
b) First-level programs from other professional fields, but might be required to pass additional differential exams of 10-60 credit points (ECTS). Candidates can pass differential exams in
the regular First cycle program or in other training programs prior to enrolment in the Second cycle program. The content and quantity of differential exams depends on the professioinal field and is
decided by the Commission for Academic Affairs of the Department of Physics.

Enrolment is also open to candidates who have completed an equivalent education as set out in paragraphs a) and b) abroad. They enter the program under the same conditions that apply to candidates who have completed their education in Slovenia.

Selection criteria in the event of limited enrolment

In case of restricted enrollment, the candidates from point a) above will be selected according to:

  • average grades in first cycle 75% points
  • success in subjects in mathematics and physics 25% of points

candidates from point b) will be selected according to:

  • average grades in first cycle study (180-KTdi) / 1.8% of points
  • average grade of passed differential exams KTdi / 1.8% of points,

where KTdi is the number of credit points required from the differential examinations.

Conditions for advancement under the programme

For enrolment in the second year, students must collect at least 52 ECTS.
To re-enrol into the first year of study, the student needs to complete at least half of
subjects from first year of study (30 ECTS). To re-enrol into the second year of study,
the student needs to complete all subjects from first year of study and half of
subjects from second year of study (30 ECTS). Re-enrolment is possible once in the
course of study program; change of a study program as a result of unfulfilled
requirements from previous study program is also counted as re-enrolment.

Conditions for completing studies

To complete the studies, a student must fulfil all the requirements of 60 ECTS points
per year (total: 120 ECTS). A student completes his studies with a defence of his

Quality of the programme

In the years 2019-2023, FMF participates in the international master's study program
SARENA (SAfe and REliable Nuclear Applications, IMT Atlantique University, Nantes,
France, UPM, Madrid, Uni. Lappeenranta, Finland, Uni. Ljubljana, EU Erasmus+
program). From 2020 to 2023, the 3rd semester of the SARENA study will take place
at FMF with lectures on subjects that are also subjects of the regular Nuclear
Engineering program (appropriately marked in the list of subjects). These courses will
be taught in English. Most SARENA scholarships are for students outside of Europe,
but some are also available for EU students.

  • KLASIUS-SRV: Masters education (second Bologna cycle)/Master (second Bologna cycle)
  • ISCED: Engineering and engineering trades
  • KLASIUS-P: Nuclear energy
  • KLASIUS-P-16: Electricity and energy
  • Frascati: Engineering and Technology
  • SOK level: 8
  • EOK level: 7
  • EOVK level: Second cycle


P = lecture and seminar hours per week
V = theoretical and laboratory exercise hours per week
ECTS = credit points

1. year
2. year
1. sem. 2. sem.
Course ECTS P/V P/V
Elective courses 3 17 0/0 0/0
Elective courses 4 10 0/0 0/0
Master thesis research 2 20 0/0 0/0
Reactor engineering + 9 4/2 0/0
Seminar II 4 3/0 0/0
1., 2. year