Andreja Jelen: Nanoscience Using FIB-SEM Nanolaboratory
Nanoscience Using FIB-SEM Nanolaboratory
Dr. Andreja Jelen
Jožef Stefan Institute, Condensed Matter Physics Dept., Ljubljana
FIB-SEM (Focused Ion Beam ‒ Scanning Electron
Microscope) nanolaboratory is a versatile tool for interacting with solid materials
at the micro and nano level. It is a
dual beam scanning electron microscope that operates with focused electrons e-
and focused ions, usually Ga+. Mostly performed activities in
FIB-SEM nanolaboratory are: imaging at the nanoscale, cross-sectioning, EDS
(Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) chemical analysis, nanotomography, 3D
reconstruction of materials microstructure, nanofabrication and TEM
(Transmission Electron Microscope) thin foil samples preparation. The purpose
of this talk is to give a brief description of FIB-SEM dual beam system and
present some results on high-entropy alloy materials.
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