Project: FEATURE
Title: Far from Equilibrium Atractors at Ultra-Relativistic Energies
Period: 1. 10. 2023 - 30. 9. 2025
Leading organization: University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics)
Principal investigator: Alexander Soloviev
Research activity: Physics (Particles and field physics)
Project description:
One of the grand challenges facing the high-energy physics community is understanding the far-from-equilibrium evolution of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). A recent innovation in the theory of far-from-equilbrium systems was the discovery of hydrodynamic attractors to which non-equilibrium solutions of microscopic configurations decay, losing knowledge of their initial conditions well before approaching thermal equilibrium.
This project will take the critical step to bring theoretical understanding to the level of complexity required for realistic phenomenology, by fully characterizing the properties of the QCD attractor without resorting to simplifying assumptions done in the current preliminary studies. This will be done via the inclusion of fermionic degrees of freedom and by relaxing simplifying spatial symmetries.
The new insight gained will be applied to the phenomenological context to elevate the dynamical freeze-out process into a far-from- equilibrium process, thus leading to the full exploitation of data at experiments in the Large Hadron Collider and Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The attained knowledge will be also used to probe the attractor near the phase transition, providing vital insight into searches for the QCD critical point. Furthermore, the gained insight into attractors will provide an avenue to integrate magnetohydrodynamics into descriptions relevant for heavy ion collisions.
»This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101103006.«