- Tehnologija in tržna struktura
1.1. Klasični monopol in več-produktni monopol
1.2. Osnove teorije iger
1.3. Oligopolni trgi - Predatorstvo – ohranjanje monopolne moči
- Segmentacija trga
3.1. Diferenciacija proizvodov
3.2. Cenovna diskriminacija - Dogovarjanje in karteli
4.1. Dinamični oligopolni modeli
4.2. Karteli
4.3. Združevanje - Vertikalna razmerja in omejitve
Organizacija in struktura trga
izr. prof. Matej Švigelj, prof. Jelena Zorić
izr. prof. Matej Švigelj, prof. Jelena Zorić
Pepall Lynne, Richard Daniel J., Norman George: Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory and Practice, 3rd. ed., South-Western - Thomson Learning, 2005. ISBN 0-324-26130-6
Tirole Jean: The Theory of Industrial Organization, The MIT Press, 1988. ISBN 0-262-20071-6
Slušatelje usposobiti za prepoznavo tržnih struktur in njihovih lastnosti, vzrokov, ki so do njih pripeljali in strategij, ki jih podjetja uporabljajo za ohranitev ali razvoj svojega položaja v teh strukturah.
Skozi mikroekonomska orodja delnega ravnovesja in s teorijo iger spoznati široko snov
analize tržnih struktur in dejavnikov, ki na njih vplivajo.
Spoznati, kako na tržno dogajanje v posamezni panogi vplivajo velikost trga,
tehnološke značilnosti, način tekmovanja podjetij in dejavnosti države.
Osvetliti nasprotja med motivi konkurenčnih podjetij in družbeno blaginjo.
Ex catedra predavanja in reševanje računskih primerov
Dva kolokvija, vsak po 50% končne
ocene ali zaključni pisni izpit (100% ocene)
Matej Švigelj:
PREDOVNIK, Anže, ŠVIGELJ, Matej. The impact of implicit electricity market coupling on the Slovenian Austrian border on the efficiency of cross-border transmission capacity allocation and social welfare in Slovenia. Economic and business review, ISSN 1580-0466. [Tiskana izd.], 2017, vol. 19, iss. 2, str. 131-154, doi: 10.15458/85451.47. [COBISS-SI-ID 24233446]
HROVATIN, Nevenka, ŠVIGELJ, Matej. The interplay of regulation and other drivers of NGN deployment : a real-world perspective.Telecommunications policy, ISSN 0308-5961. [Print ed.], nov. 2013, vol. 37, iss. 10, str. 836-848, tabele; graf. prikazi, doi:10.1016/j.telpol.2013.05.007. [COBISS-SI-ID 21560806]
HROVATIN, Nevenka, CIBIC, Damir, ŠVIGELJ, Matej. Deployment of the fibre network in Slovenia : what can be learnt?. Transformations in business & economics, ISSN 1648-4460, 2013, vol. 12, no. 1 (28), str. 182-205. [COBISS-SI-ID 21467366]
ŠVIGELJ, Matej, HROVATIN, Nevenka. Network effects and choice of mobile operator in Slovenia. E+M : ekonomie a management, ISSN 1212-3609, 2011, vol. 14, no. 3, str. 87-99. [COBISS-SI-ID 20307686]
HROVATIN, Nevenka, CIBIC, Damir, ŠVIGELJ, Matej. Liberalisation and (de)regulation of Slovenian telecommunications markets. Communications & stratégies, ISSN 1157-8637, 2004, iss. 56, str. 151-177. [COBISS-SI-ID 15057126]
Jelena Zorić:
HROVATIN, Nevenka, DOLŠAK, Nives, ZORIĆ, Jelena. Factors impacting investments in energy efficiency and clean technologies : empirical evidence from Slovenian manufacturing firms. Journal of cleaner production, ISSN 0959-6526. 2016, vol. 127, str. 475-486 [COBISS-SI-ID 23054822].
RIHAR, Miha, HROVATIN, Nevenka, ZORIĆ, Jelena. Household valuation of smart-home functionalities in Slovenia. Utilities policy, ISSN 0957-1787. Apr. 2015, vol. 33, str. 42-53 [COBISS-SI-ID 22405350].
FILIPPINI, Massimo, HUNT, Lester C., ZORIĆ, Jelena. Impact of energy policy instruments on the estimated level of underlying energy efficiency in the EU residential sector. Energy policy, ISSN 0301-4215. Jun. 2014, vol. 69, str. 73-81 [COBISS-SI-ID 21971430].
CIRMAN, Andreja, MANDIČ, Srna, ZORIĆ, Jelena. Decisions to renovate : identifying key determinants in Central and Eastern European post-socialist countries. Urban studies, ISSN 0042-0980, Dec. 2013, vol. 50, no. 16, str. 3378-3393 [COBISS-SI-ID 21527014].